Polaroid Drawings
MIT 4.022, Feb. 2023

Class Project
This project involved multiple drawings of a polaroid camera to scale, focused on achieving accuracy without losing the overall form. Extracting measurements from reference images was crucial for improving accuracy. Guidelines and proportions hint at the camera's design. Different line weights, densities, layers, and annotations direct attention and visualize hierarchies, drawing focus towards certain details. Through this layered representation, the drawings balance comprehensive accuracy with emphasis on key elements that capture the camera's form.
- Rhinoceros 3D
- Design Sketching
Folding Function
MIT 4.021, May 2022

Class Project
This project explores form and functionality in table centerpiece design. I designed an interactive centerpiece that can be bent into and hold shapes, allowing for customizable formations. It provides utility through its ability to support objects like fruit, glasses, and other ornaments. Merging sculptural flexibility with practical use creates an engaging tabletop element.
- Rhinoceros 3D
- Grasshopper